Downend Lettings
11A Badminton Rd, Downend, Bristol, BS16 6BD
You can find us on the High Street, Badminton Road. If you have any questions about letting or renting a property, please pop in. We look forward to meeting you.
We’re open...
08:45 - 18.00
08:45 - 18.00
08:45 - 18.00
08:45 - 18.00
08:45 - 18.00
09.00 - 16.30
How can we help?
We opened in 2016. If you have any questions about letting houses or flats in Downend, Emersons Green, Fishponds and many other local neighbourhoods, our team will have the answers.
Our team (and Directors) live locally and have unrivalled experience.
Our Downend Lettings team...
We manage and let houses, flats and apartments in Downend, Broomhill, Staple Hill, Emersons Green, Lyde Green, Frenchay, Hambrook, Stapleton, Fishponds, Coalpit Heath, Hanham, St George, Longwell Green, Oldland Common, and surrounding areas.
And we border with our Bradley Stoke and Bishopston offices.
Three levels of bespoke service
Today's properties
Just a few fabulous homes, we're letting right now.