What you need to know, part one
To help our landlords understand how it might affect their properties, our Associate Director - Alun Johnson has done a 'breakdown' of the bill, to explain the key points.
The Renters’ Rights Bill delivers the Government's manifesto commitment to transform the experience of private renting.
"The bill will improve the current system for both the 11 million private renters and 2.3 million landlords in England."
"It will give renters much greater security and stability so they can stay in their homes for longer, build lives in their communities, and avoid the risk of homelessness."
What you need to know, part two
Some further, important details.
If you're worried about any aspect of the bill and how it will affect you, you can get information, support and advice from your local Ocean Lettings office – any time.
October 2024, part 2
We hope this article was useful, look out for further updates from Alun soon.